It Only Takes
Answer the 5 questions below honestly. Simply selecting the answer that gives the highest points will not necessarily produce better results than the ones giving the lowest points (the number of points are randomly awarded to each question). When you have answered all the questions, add your scores from your 5 answers to determine which of the four REVEAL buttons you will let you know "if you have what it takes" to reach millionaire status within a 12 month time-frame. Will it be within the next 12, 18, 24, 36 or 48 months OR will your only hope be hitting the Jackpot with a
1. Demographics
1A. Cras faucibus purus tincidunt tinciunt mollis. Fusce placerat augue et porttitor sodales. Ut tincidunt leo in arcu suscipit ultrices. Morbi volutpat imperdiet molestie. Pellentesque magna
1B. tellus, tempor in tincidunt sit amet,
placerat a mi. In dolor quam, hendrerit a orci eget, accumsan bibendum sapien. Curabitur hendrerit mi massa.
1C. tellus, tempor in tincidunt sit amet, placerat a mi. In dolor quam, hendrerit a orci eget, accumsan bibendum sapien. Curabitur hendrerit mi massa.
2. Finances
2A. Cras faucibus purus tincidunt tincidunt mollis. Fusce placerat augue et porttitor sodal llll llll llll es. Ut tincidunt (35 points)
2B.mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmm mmm mmxxxxx ookili ilik ikik (10 points)
2C. vvvvvvvvvvvvv .jjduj tje thtjej jejeje jjjj eeeei euuduenenennnnn (5 points)
3. Commitment
3A. Cras faucibus purus tincidunt tincidunt mollis. Fusce placerat augue et porttitor sodales. Ut tincidunt leo in
3B. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs
3C. the pretty red painted box was left outside on the porch now it is all wet
4. Influence
4A. Cras faucibus purus tincidunt tincidunt mollis. Fusce placerat augue et porttitor sodales. Ut tincidunt leo in arcu suscipit ultrices. Morbi volutpat imperdiet
4B. molestie. Pellentesque magna tellus, tempor in tincidunt sit amet, placerat a mi. In dolor quam, hendrerit a orci eget, accumsan bibendum sapien. Curabitur hendrerit mi massa.
4C. tellus, tempor in tincidunt sit amet, placerat a mi. In dolor quam, hendrerit a orci eget, accumsan bibendum sapien. Curabitur hendrerit mi massa.
5. Mindset
5A. Cras faucibus purus tincidunt tincidunt mollis. Fusce placerat augue et porttitor sodales. Ut tincidunt leo in arcu suscipit ultrices. Morbi volutpat imperdiet
5B. molestie. Pellentesque magna tellus, tempor in tincidunt sit amet, placerat a mi. In dolor quam, hendrerit a orci eget, accumsan bibendum sapien. Curabitur hendrerit mi massa.
5C. tellus, tempor in tincidunt sit amet, placerat a mi. In dolor quam, hendrerit a orci eget, accumsan bibendum sapien. Curabitur hendrerit mi massa.
Your Results Are
"keep dreaming, keep learning, keep building..."